Are you paying to much for your Homeowners Insurance here in Colorado? We have answers.

January 23, 2014

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Over the last 18 months Home insurance companies have been scrambling trying to figure out ways to turn a profitable.  Why is this happening?Over the last couple of decades insurance companies have been able to make money in financial services and run high loss ratios.  The overall impact was that insurance companies did not have to raise premium despite having high loss ratios!The last few months here in Colorado have seen some devastating weather related losses.  Hail, Fire and now Flood are the main culprits.  Insurance companies use statitsitcal data to gather information for rating purposes based on past losses.  So if we see a sudden rise in weather related losses, they must raise rates faster without good information.Economy.  The economy has been sluggish and with more regulation for insurance companies, they are not able to invest the way the did in the past.  This results in lower returns on investment ultimately making the insurance company go back to being an insurance  company and raising rates and lowering expenses.So, in todays home insurance environment, carriers are once again being underwriting companies and not looking toward financial investmetns as a means to gain profits.  They are working to lower expenses, underwrite more heavily, change coverages and rais premiums in order to improve their bottom line.Are we finished?  My guess is no.  The fire danger is still high.  Mother nature still likes dumping hail in Colorado and the financial market with regulation may not bounce back as fast.  So, the net result is increased home rates.  I would anticipate rates for an average $250,000 coverage A with a $1500 deductible being around $1200 per year.  If you are paying more then this, you should shop it out.Rick Cline303-932-1700