Wind and hail deductibles for commercial property are on the rise in many areas of the United States. Deductibles up to 5% are becoming more common in the most challenging locations. All Access Insurance offers a wind/hail deductible buy-back program for commercial property. Property owners may lower their deductibles to as little as 1% or a specific dollar amount. This decreases the potential out of pocket financial exposure and assists in compliance with the mortgage deductible requirements.
- AM Best rated non admiteted carrier
- Storage and non storage risks
- Stand Alone policy
- Knoledgeable underwriters
- Claims handled by experienced staff
Example of a Wind/Hail deductible Buy Back
- Colorado Homeowners association
- Building limit $1,800,000
- 5% wind hail deductible $90,000
- Deducible reduction $56,000
- Premium $3,443