Social Media tips for your Auto, Home, and Business Insurance Agency

August 25, 2011

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 If you are looking for ways to increase production on Auto Insurance, Home Insurance and Business Insurance in your agency, take a look at this.  Denver and surrounding cities ranks very high for consumer online activity.  Take advantageTips to expand your social media presence. Presented by Safeco's Bricks and Clicks

  1. Build out a social media policy for your agency articulating the busines sgoals for using social media Visit more tips on how to do this
  2. Determine which social media sites and applications best suit your business goals
  3. Be found-Increase SEO by registering on as many free search engines as you can.  Google, Bing, Yelp etc. to find out more
  4. Use social media as a way to show your community support.  Blog, Facebook and email to communicate about what is going on in your area
  5. Take advantage of instant, easy to access communication tools: Twitter for example.  Get registered on this.  It works and gives you SEO for Google
  6. Integrate your website, facebook, twitter and Linkedin Profile into all print and online marketing efforts.
  7. Listen to the online community and know what is being said about your agency
  8. your an insurance expert, show it via Linkedin or Blogs
  9. Keep your online presence current and relevant to your audience.  Create new posts once a week but dont sell on Facebook.  Be an expert only, they will come to you.  Best advise to use here!!
  10. Monitor and Track results.  Did you know you can measure the activity you get on Facebook through the "View Inisights tab on your company page?"

I hope you find this helpful.  Again, go to Safeco's Bricks and Clicks section on the website under the Sell and Grow Tab.  also, search for Safeco Bricks and Clicks in Linkedin.